Ten Industries with Double Digit Job Growth

Ten Industries with Double Digit Job Growth


Job creation in the U.S. is on an upward trajectory. While growth has been slower or stagnant in certain areas, there are many industries where the production of new jobs has accelerated. Markets tied to energy, production, technology, health care, transportation and consulting have increased employment 10 to 30 percent over the last few years.

The following is a list of specific industries where job growth has increased by double digits with an addition of at least 20,000 jobs from 2010 to 2012:

  1. Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals – 28,333 jobs added since 2010, signifying 30 percent growth
  2. Drilling Oil and Gas Wells – 21,970 jobs added, up 29 percent
  3. Electronic Shopping – 25,327 jobs added, up 23 percent
  4. Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction – 32,715 jobs added, up 21 percent
  5. Temporary Help Services – 438,116 jobs added, up 21 percent
  6. Machine Shops – 44,754 jobs added, up 18 percent
  7. Marketing Consulting Services – 27,113 jobs added, up 13 percent
  8. Computer Systems Design Services – 88,740 jobs added, up 12 percent
  9. Specialized Freight (except used goods) Trucking, Local – 22,936 jobs added, up 11 percent
  10. Home Health Care Services – 116,360 jobs added, up 10 percent

The study uses Economic Modeling Specialists’ (EMSI) rich labor market database, which pulls from over 90 national and state employment resources, such as the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. Census Bureau, and state labor departments, and includes detailed information on employees and self-employed workers. EMSI removes suppressions often found in publically available data and includes proprietors, creating a complete picture of the workforce.

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